

Kiarra Moore

Credit: Penn State

DALLAS, Pa. — Transfer students might want to come to 菠菜网比较大的平台 for a variety of reasons — for Kiarra Moore, it was the campus’ quiet setting and talented instructors that drew her attention.

Moore, a criminal justice 罗切斯特专业, New York, is in her final year at 菠菜网比较大的平台 after transferring to the campus from Genessee Community College in New York for the start of her junior year.

“我想在校园里找个安静的地方,不要太大. I didn’t want to stay home but didn’t want to go too far from home,” Moore said. “我看到他们有我的专业和博士学位. Rebecca Sarver (assistant teaching professor and program coordinator of criminal justice) here. She is a really good professor who has worked in the field for a long time. I liked that 菠菜网比较大的平台 has a great criminal justice program with many students in it.”

Moore worked with Sarver, her adviser, and found the transfer process easier than she was expecting.

“Dr. 萨维尔在安排课程方面帮了我很大的忙,”摩尔说. “她专注于帮助我获得按时完成学位所需的知识. 我真的很感激她.”

Sarver说:“Kiarra是一个上进和成熟的学生. She made a smooth transition to 菠菜网比较大的平台 by making full use of all the campus support systems and services, 包括作为她的顾问和我定期会面.”

摩尔说,她很高兴自己转学了, 尤其是因为她参加了许多校园活动. 她是学生活动办公室的勤工俭学学生, 制作宣传活动的传单,并在这些活动中提供帮助, 和学生事务处, 协助文书工作和校园食物银行. 她还获得了去年的狮子骄傲奖 领袖及田径运动颁奖典礼, honoring her work with Student Activities that helps improve the quality of student life at 菠菜网比较大的平台.

“This campus and what it comes with allows me to do more and be more involved,” Moore said. “这个校园对我很好. 自从我来到这里,我做了很多事情,遇到了一些很棒的人. I have had a lot of great opportunities since I’ve been here and I’m grateful for that.”


Moore is the president and founder of the Black Student Union at 菠菜网比较大的平台, 这个组织今年刚刚成立,已经有17名活跃成员.

“I wanted to create a safe space for Black students and I really wanted them to feel welcome. It’s important for them to have a space where they can feel like themselves, 做自己,享受我们在这个俱乐部的活动,” she said.

Director of Student Services and Engagement Wanda Ochei supervises Moore for her work-study position and also gave her some advice with her idea to start a club for Black students.

“Last year, Kiarra and I were talking about the need for students of color to be able to commune together and have an organization that was just for them that could focus on the cultural aspects of being African American, 从食物到音乐,从舞蹈到许多其他的东西,” Ochei said. “We also talked about the importance of our campus community learning from a group like this and from our students who are part of the African American culture. She came back to me after that conversation and said she’d like to make that happen.”

Moore sought advice from the president of the newly formed Black Student Union at Penn State Hazleton to learn how they established their group, how they recruited students to be members and what kinds of activities they are planning. She drew up a constitution for a Black Student Union at 菠菜网比较大的平台 and the club was among those featured at the campus club fair early this semester.

“我为Kiarra采取主动感到骄傲. Starting an organization like this takes a lot of time and attention,” Ochei said. “I believe the Black Student Union is going to strengthen a sense of community and belonging and make students of color feel more a part of 菠菜网比较大的平台 and the area.”

The Black Student Union has already held its first fundraiser to raise money for club operations — selling affordable snacks and drinks at volleyball games — and will continue to do so throughout the volleyball and basketball seasons. The group is also planning a Halloween party for 菠菜网比较大的平台 students.


As a busy student, employee and leader, 摩尔知道保持一切事物平衡的重要性.

“I talk with my adviser about how to balance my schoolwork and activities,” she said. “我一次只关注一点点. 我尽量提前做作业, 通常在截止日期前一周左右,确保一切都完成了. 我在课间练习.”

当她回到罗切斯特的家时, 她在一个名为终身援助的组织工作, 在那里,她作为直接支持人员帮助成年残疾人. 在菠菜网比较大的平台完成学士学位后, Moore hopes to attain a job as a probation officer working with juveniles while attending law school with an interest in family law.

“Since I was young, I always wanted to help people and make a change,” she said. “尤其是在我成长的地方,我见过很多. It made me want to help people within society and within the criminal justice system.”

Moore encouraged other students interested in transferring to 菠菜网比较大的平台 to consider the variety of 俱乐部,组织 and athletics 可在校园内使用.

“这里有很多机会,人们也非常友好,”摩尔说. “当你参与其中时,你肯定会看到更多的校园. 菠菜网比较大的平台是一个很棒的地方, 尤其是如果你喜欢一个既美丽又安静的空间.”

Ochei praised Moore for her interest in getting involved and said that contributed to her smooth transfer to 菠菜网比较大的平台.

“She is excited to be here and enjoys being involved and engaged,” Ochei said. “Kiarra has excellent organizational skills, people skills and listening skills. 她在倾听和处理过程中接受一切. 我认为对于一个成功的领导者来说,这是一个很好的组合.”


菠菜网比较大的平台提供校园参观和一对一的课程 转会顾问. Contact the Admissions Office at 570-675-9238 or [email protected] to learn more.